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Common Mistakes in Amazon PPC and How to Avoid Them

  • By sharksecom
  • August 12, 2020

Common Mistakes in Amazon PPC and How to Avoid Them

Amazon PPC (Pay-Per Click) advertising is an essential tool for boosting your product’s visibility and driving sales on Amazon. However, without proper management, it’s easy to make mistakes that can drain your budget without delivering the desired results. At Sharks Ecom, we specialize in helping businesses optimize their Amazon PPC campaigns to avoid common pitfalls and achieve maximum ROI. Here’s a guide to some frequent mistakes and how to steer clear of them.

1. Neglecting Keyword Research


Many advertisers either rush through keyword research or rely solely on a few obvious keywords. This approach limits your ad’s reach and effectiveness.


Conduct thorough keyword research using tools like Amazon’s Keyword Tool, Helium 10, or Jungle Scout. Identify a mix of broad, phrase, and exact match keywords, including long-tail keywords that are more specific and have less competition. Sharks Ecom can help you uncover high-volume, low-competition keywords to maximize your campaign’s potential.

2. Poor Campaign Structure


A disorganized campaign structure can lead to inefficient ad spend and difficulty in managing and optimizing your ads.


Organize your campaigns and ad groups logically. Group similar products together and create separate campaigns for different product categories. This allows for more precise targeting and easier performance tracking. Sharks Ecom’s expertise ensures your campaigns are structured for optimal performance.

3. Ignoring Negative Keywords


Failing to use negative keywords results in your ads being shown for irrelevant search terms, leading to wasted ad spend.


Regularly review your search term reports to identify and add negative keywords. This helps focus your budget on keywords that are more likely to convert. Sharks Ecom continuously monitors and updates negative keywords to improve your ad efficiency.

4. Setting and Forgetting Bids


Many advertisers set their bids once and then forget to adjust them based on performance data, leading to suboptimal bid amounts.


Regularly monitor your campaigns and adjust bids based on performance metrics. Increase bids for high-converting keywords and reduce or pause bids for underperforming ones. Sharks Ecom provides ongoing bid management to ensure your budget is allocated effectively.

5. Overlooking Ad Placement Optimization


Assuming that all ad placements will perform equally well can lead to inefficient ad spend and missed opportunities.


Analyze which ad placements deliver the best ROI and allocate more budget to those placements. Typically, ads at the top of search results have higher conversion rates. Sharks Ecom helps you identify and capitalize on the most effective ad placements.

6. Not Testing and Optimizing Ad Copy


Using the same ad copy without testing different variations can result in missed opportunities for higher engagement and conversions.


A/B test different ad copies, images, and call-to-action phrases to determine what resonates best with your audience. Continuously refine your ads based on performance data. Sharks Ecom’s data-driven approach ensures your ad copy is always optimized for maximum impact.

7. Ignoring Detailed Performance Analysis


Failing to analyze detailed performance metrics beyond basic ones like clicks and impressions can prevent you from understanding the true effectiveness of your campaigns.


Dive deep into metrics such as Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS), Conversion Rate, Click-Through Rate (CTR), and Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS). Use these insights to refine your strategies. Sharks Ecom provides comprehensive performance analysis to help you make informed decisions.

By avoiding these common mistakes and implementing these strategies, you can significantly improve your Amazon PPC campaigns and maximize your ROI. Sharks Ecom is here to help you navigate the complexities of Amazon PPC advertising with expert management and tailored solutions. Visit Sharks Ecom to learn more about how we can enhance your Amazon advertising efforts.

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